Time to Evolve: Predicting engineered T cell toxicity with next gen. modelsART-TGMay 23, 20221 min readUpdated: May 24, 2022ART-TG contributed to this recent review by Donnadieu et al. in Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, https://jitc.bmj.com/content/10/5/e003486.long as part of the T2Evolve european consortium https://t2evolve.com/. #genetherapy, #cartcells, #T2Evolve, #genopole, #inserm, #upsay
ART-TG contributed to this recent review by Donnadieu et al. in Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, https://jitc.bmj.com/content/10/5/e003486.long as part of the T2Evolve european consortium https://t2evolve.com/. #genetherapy, #cartcells, #T2Evolve, #genopole, #inserm, #upsay
Restriction factor study, presented by Marie Dewannieux, researcher at ART-TG, at the BioconvS Innovation day